Email *
Password *
Confirm Password *
Full Name *

Do not use all capital letters write your name.

Date of Birth *

Not visible to employers

Gender *
Age *
Phone Number *
Highest Qualification *
Location *
Languages *

You can select multiple languages

Digital Marketing Industry Experience *

This should be your years of experience in the digital marketing industry

Skills *

Use comma (,) to separate your digital marketing skills. List a maximum of 6 digital marketing skills.

Desired Job Title *
Profile Summary *

Ensure that you provide thorough details in your Profile Summary, as this is your opportunity to effectively showcase your skills and market yourself to potential employers. By doing so, you can significantly enhance your chances of being contacted for interviews and getting employment offers. Additionally, make sure to highlight digital marketing tools you can use and both your technical and non-technical skills to maximize your visibility and attract attention from employers.

CV Attachment *

Upload file .pdf, .doc, .docx. Make sure to customize your CV specifically for a position in Digital Marketing.

Notice Period *

Share how soon can you resume if employed